
Although Hanna Jacob Doumette was a prolific writer, he never composed a summary of the Christian Institute philosophy. Nevertheless, senior members of the church's diverse congregation have produced several over the years. The booklet “What We Believe and Teach,” which is transcribed below, remains one of the most comprehensive.

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The Christian Institute teaches Christ as the Savior of humanity and as the Divinity within, as the Indwelling Christ. Jesus named the Indwelling Christ the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is the Christ active in humanity and the world, bringing on its transformation and salvation.

We believe in the ability of the individual to become a light-bearer in the world and to unfold to the state of the Son of God while in the flesh.

We believe that people must perfect their personal selves by obedience to the laws of God, but perfection of the personal self is not the height of human attainment. Conscious oneness with Christ, which follows personal perfection, brings salvation to humanity and is the height of attainment. It is not the deeds of the personal self nor the righteousness of the “I” that raise one to the height of human unfoldment. Rather, it is one's deep love for God, conscious oneness with Him, and the manifestation of God through the individual that lifts one to the highest state of existence. Humanity's ultimate perfection is attained through the grace of God, not through personal effort alone.

We believe that everyone who receives Truth, understands it and lives it, must serve others and pour out the Christ Spirit to them.

We believe in the power of faith. Faith is sufficient to grant humanity the bliss of conscious oneness with God in the physical world. We believe in the faith that causes the Universal Spirit to manifest through the individual self. We believe that faith constantly grows into knowledge. There is a knowledge that comes through faith, lifting us to still higher knowledge and glory, on to the very Mind of Christ.

We believe in oneness of life and in the human family. We esteem every race, every religion, every order and every church. We respect them all and endeavor to reveal the Eternal Truth that underlies them.

We believe that within humanity dwells the Eternal Self, its True Identity. This inner or Eternal Self possesses a spirit form, mental form, soul form, light form, and various spiritual powers such as inner sight and inner hearing. We teach the art of transforming these forms and unfolding these powers. We teach the art of bringing forth the Eternal Self and transforming the physical form and physical nature.

We believe in true mysticism and occultism, the powers of the Apostles and adepts. We teach how to awaken the Divine Mind, the Divine Soul, and the almighty Spirit within. Mysticism is divine communion with God in the soul. Occultism is divine communion with God in nature and creation, as well as the enjoyment of the Eternal Kingdom of earth.

We believe in higher Beings and sublime Angels who cooperate with Christ and serve the will of the Father, who work with Christ to bless humanity. They are our elder brothers.

We believe in a true heaven which is eternal and absolute in itself. Heaven is a universal reality underlying and sustaining creation. Heaven is also a reality in humanity, which is sustained by and has its roots in heaven. One can no more live apart from heaven than a tree can live severed from its roots.

We believe in immortality. The Spirit never dies. The true soul is eternal.

We believe that through the power of the Spirit quickened within, the developed individual is able to help the self and others overcome trials and circumstances, to heal the self and others, to enjoy the bliss of perfect living, and to bring forth spiritual prosperity, perfection, freedom and mastery.

We believe it is the birthright and destiny of every one to enjoy conscious oneness with God, immortality and perfection. These virtues constitute the eternal powers of one's being.

We teach the art of true prayer. True prayer is communion with God. We teach the art of concentration, meditation and conscious oneness with God, called omnipresence or intuition.

We believe in Truth as it is revealed by the sublime leaders of humanity, as it is in God, as it is in itself, as it manifests through the perfected individual, and as it is expressed through nature and creation. We teach the science and principles of Truth.

We believe that life is omnipresent and that it is perfect and immortal in itself, that it expresses the Divine Name, Kingdom and Will through the process of evolution. We teach the science of evolution and the science of the cosmos.

We believe that God, the Absolute One, is perceived by humanity as the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. When perceived as the Creator, God is called the Father. When we perceive the Creator manifest in His creation, we call Him the Son or the Christ. When we perceive the creative power of the Creator active in life, bringing on purification, resurrection and transformation, we call this power the Holy Spirit or the Divine Mother.

We believe that the Spirit of God lives in the individual as the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, as one's True Self. The Father lives in one as one's Spirit, and the nature of the Spirit is Willing. The Christ lives in one as one's Mind, and the nature of the Mind is Thinking. The Holy Spirit lives in one as one's Soul, and the nature of the Soul is Feeling.

We believe in the Bible, in both the old and new Testaments. The Bible is a sacred book, the inspiration of divine leaders of humanity. All sacred books are inspired by the Holy Spirit. They are the Commandments of Heaven, the light of Heaven given to earth. We accept the Bible in one part as a historical work and in the other as a spiritual conception. We explain its outer meaning and philosophy, and we also reveal its esoteric meaning, philosophy, purpose and truth.

The Christian Institute of Spiritual Science is dedicated to Eternal Truth and to God, to the service of all humanity. It serves humanity with the power of the Spirit, the light of Divine Mind, and the might and love of the Christ.