
Our library of prayers includes prayers for everyday, as well as for major life events and challenges.


The Prayer for World Peace

In the Name of the Heavenly Father,
the God of Peace,
In the Name of the Christ,
the Spirit of Peace,
And in the Name of the Holy Spirit,
the Mind of Peace,
We realize now Peace Infinite, Peace Transmuting, Peace Eternal,
Throughout the world, now and forever.

Prayer of the Divine Triad

We are resurrected in the Father.
We realize the Christ as our Eternal Self.
We rejoice in the Holy Spirit.
Peace be the world, salvation to man.
May Truth reign supreme in humanity.
The love of God is our benediction.


The Love of God

The love of God lives in my heart, in my soul, in my entire being.
The love of God is materialized in my activity, in my environment.
The love of God dwells in my soul, mind and spirit,
and crowns my entire existence.
The love of God is the power of my personality;
I am the love of God made manifest.


Prayer for Departed Spirits

Relax and become silent. Realize oneness with the Universal Spirit. Speak the name of the one for whom you are praying, and on his behalf affirm:

I behold your presence in the Spirit
I know you in the Christ, blessed and illumined.
I realize the Christ Spirit as the dominion of your mind and the holiness of your soul.
Christ love and grace are your power, light, love and glory.
Christ Light is quickened in your being and is shed upon your path.
Christ lives in you and is glorified throughout your whole existence.
He is your divine identity, and He is your life, resurrection and immortality. Amen.